Site Template -- Geneology


mY AcTiVitiEs PaGe

My TecNoloGy SKiLLs

mY CreAtiVity PaGe

CoNtact Me

FAB links

Guest Book Page


KoOl KAts!
dog-hater~ Arie Wong


My website is meant to inspire people to always keep their interests alive. To do this, you must be exactly like me! jk! Well...maybe a little...^^ but seriously if there is something that interests you like a crush or a band or little life obssessions, you should go for it!

FYI: You may have noticed my title is what it is... but my inspiration are kitties but this website is about me and the kitties are just a picture for you to swoon over.


FuTuRe USe of ThiS SiTe

Today's ordinary website, tomorrow's ME fanclub! Kids grow up everyday and lose their innocence and their zeal or, for lack of better words, their UMPH! Before I become one of those mind-boggling zombies, or as we like to call them, adults, I would like to create something that will show my inner self. As scrapbooks and diaries fill the void of youth, this website will be the portal back to mine... 

Me and MY GoAls

My goals? How SWEET of you to think about ME! Haha. No I'm not conceited but I do make REALLY bad jokes... 

 Anyways, back to my goals...


CuRrEnt GoAl

Like most teenagers, and you can probably relate, my goal this day is to LIVE THROUGH HIGH SCHOOL!

...and to maybe, just MAYBE, be a GREAT tennis player. THAT, my unknown friend, is a future that will probably never happen no matter how I try. However it is within reason that we "kids" have unreachable, but worthwhile dreams...


Future Goals

In short, my future goals are to

  1. become a therapist
  2. get married
  3. have kids
  4. get kats (because parents won't let me have pets...)


Click here for a bigger dose of InSaNity~ also known as dorene's page


7/22 Today, I started my website. I have finished my Home Page (MEMEME), my Activities Page, and my Contact Page. The subcategories will be in blue. 

7/23 This is the slowest update day for me. I only started the Technology Page and have uploaded only 5 documents from my directory.

7/25 I have been working on my Creativity Page (aka my Anime Page). However, my computer crashed and I wasted a little more than 3 hours before I lost my information. I redid everything in 1 hour to the best of my ability. 

7/26 My website is FINISHED!!! Almost... Technically it is, but it's not as pretty as I hoped. However, as long as my Task and Skill List is complete, I'm content.